Karaoke Boxes Full as H1N1 School Cancellations Continue

Karaoke shops in Osaka are reporting that their shops are packed with students who are off school (and supposed to be at home studying) for the H1N1 influenza outbreak here. Some of the karaoke shop owners are troubled, saying they are concerned about the flu being passed on at these large gatherings, while other owners…

Kuchinoerabujima – University of Wyoming Professor Missing in Japan

CNN reports that American Poet and University of Wyoming Professor Craig Arnold is missing after setting out alone to climb a volcano known as Kuchinoerabujima. The CNN article above mentions that Arnold was on a fellowship in Japan doing research for a book on volcanoes. Not much is mentioned about Kuchinoerabujima (or Kuchinoerabu Island). The…


Google Japan Battles Yahoo Japan and Gmail Gets Emoticons

I love reading the little hints that float around that show the small but effective revolution Google is pulling off in Japan. If you follow the news, you know why Yahoo is bigger than Google in Japan, but I’ve also been writing about how Google has been gaining ground by approaching the Japanese market through…

Junior High Students in Japan Try to Make Teacher Have Miscarriage

The title should say it all, but sadly it doesn’t. The teacher in question is a pregnant woman in her thirties. She works at a junior high school in Handa City in Aichi Prefecture. During the beginning of third term (January) this year she scolded some students in club. She also did a seating change…