Ultra Capitalist Communist Japan

OK, I know the title of this post is a little wacky, but have you ever lived here? If you live here or do business here you might be looking at that title and nodding your head slowly with a sad-but-true look on your face.

Check out this interview with Sean McAllister, the director of the film Japan: A Story of Love and Hate which was shown at the One World film festival in Prague. McAllister is English and says some interesting things about Japanese culture, and his Japanese reactions to the film.

If you’ve lived here for a while and pay attention to pop culture, you may have noticed that other than Hayao Miyazaki movies, Japanese films that get recognized abroad tend not to do well here (until after the recognition abroad).

I’m looking forward to seeing this movie now that I hear what it’s about, and the thought that McAllister put into showing a true view of Japan.