Google Streetview Japan Car Seen in Okinawa and More New Places reports recent sightings of the Google Streetview car in Okinawa, as well as Hiroshima, Miyagi, Fukuoka, Aichi, Niigata, and Hokkaido.

Various sources reported seeing the Google Streetview car in Naha, Okinawa, as well as Miyakojima. It waqs also reported roaming around Hiroshima City, Nagoya and Kita-Nagoya City in Aichi, Niigata City in Niigata, Ishimaki City in Miyagi Prefecture, and between Furano and Asahikawa in Hokkaido.

It seems like Google’s undeterred by some of the negative press Google Streetview’s received and is making quick work of the major cities on the various islands or our dear archipeligo here.

I’m especially looking forward to coverage of some of the nice historical areas of Hiroshima city.