CNN ALMOST Writes Pop-Japanology-less article

 First off, what I refer to as pop-Japanology is the phenomenon of people all over the world, including scholars and otherwise reputable journalists to feel comfortable making generalizations about Japan without any fact checking. CNN has featured an article about the Sumo Bullying/Murder case that happened back in June. Arrests were made around February 8th…

Bullying 02 Suicide 05

Male member of cheerleading squad at Meiji University (one of the highly rated private universities around Tokyo) among other members beaten by senior students… kills self. More sad news. Why do they have to beat people? I also think it should be easier for these kids to quit clubs. They get advised to stick it…

Thirty-four Year Old Bedridden Daughter Killed in Murder Suicide

Another murder suicide. Since the 34 year old daughter was bed-ridden, this may be one of those put-us-out-of-our-miseries murder-suicides that happen in Japan. I really don’t mean to sound blase about it, but if you check this blog, you’ll see just how often this happens. Murder-suicide suspected in deaths of old man, daughter

Bullying and Extortion Related Suicide in Japanese High School

A student killed himself in a bathroom at school. Everyone around him seems to think it was “bullying” or ijime in Japanese, but the school will never admit it. If it’s determined that the cause is ijime, the school, teachers, guilty students, parents of the guilty students, and all the levels of school boards up…