A Few Hot Japanese Language Search Keywords and explanations

Here’s a list of May First’s fastest rising keywords according to Goo (one of the major search engines in Japan)

If this post goes well, I may make it a regular feature to explain some of the hottest search engine keywords in Japan just as a way of showing what kinds of topics are on people’s minds. Here’s just a few.


Yuichi Nishimura
He’s a Japanese soccer referee and former player who is accused of telling a player to “Die” during a recent match in the J-League Japanese soccer league.


Net Kaidan (Kwaidan)
Internet Ghost Stories.
Related to mixi, the largest social site in Japan. There’s an urban myth about something you see n the net, and then a comment that says “I’ve come for you” just before you die an unnatural death. Sounds like the next Japanese horror movie is ready to go.


The diet.
The gasoline tax, and talk of increases in sales tax among others.
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