High School Student at Dies After Being Kicked by Kendo Teacher

A former teacher at Takeda Prefectural High School in Takeda City, Oita Prefecture kicked a student at a kendo team practice in August this year. The boy died as a result of the injuries.

The original investigation by police in Takeda City determined that the boy died as a result of heat exhaustion during a particularly hard hour and a half long practice session with no breaks.

Later, an outside body investigated the incident and found that the main faculty advisor of the club had accused the second year student of pretending to be feeling light-headed and kicked him in the stomach. The teacher is also accused of acting too late to save the boy.


I just want to stress that in the articles I’ve seen there are no mention of criminal charges or any charges at all against the teacher. The principal of the school is quoted as having said that he would take measures to be sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again, but there were no mention of any disciplinary measures for the teacher in the case.

I will certainly update if I hear of any charges, but even the bulletin board regulars were shccked, everyone saying this should be treated as a murder case. I have to agree.

2 thoughts on “High School Student at Dies After Being Kicked by Kendo Teacher”

  1. To be honest Jay, the only surprise to me is that this story has come out before April, when the teacher will probably be transferred to another school and all of this forgotten about.

  2. Good point, Dave. These stories usually come to light during spring vacation when it’s too late for new students to get out and too late for parents to complain.

    I still don’t know what happened to the Judo teacher in Kobe that killed a student in exactly the same way several years ago. Some people commenting around the net also pointed out that the teacher’s name was left out of all the news… makes sense because it’s not a criminal case. Doesn’t make send because it SHOULD be a criminal case.

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