Japan Twitter Users Ranking by Prefecture

An interesting graphic was recently released showing the number of twitter users per 10,000 residents.

There were not too many surprises here as prefectures with large, busy cities tended to rate higher. However after a second look at the data, I also tend to think that cities with a large number of universities fared well (as evidenced by the top 5… Kyoto has a good number of schools in relation to its population). There’s nothing scientific about my conjecture here, just a thought.

Hokkaido is a bit of a surprise at 7, as well as Nagasaki being mixed in with the more “inaka” or “rural” prefectures down near the bottom. Okinawa at 12 is a bit of a surprise as well.

There are 47 prefectures in Japan, so enjoy the long list here.

  1. Tokyo
  2. Kyoto
  3. Osaka
  4. Kanagawa
  5. Fukuoka
  6. Chiba
  7. Hokkaido
  8. Saitama
  9. Nara
  10. Aichi
  11. Hiroshima
  12. Okinawa
  13. Ishikawa
  14. Shiga
  15. Hyogo
  16. Niigata
  17. Shizuoka
  18. Miyagi
  19. Okayama
  20. Fukui
  21. Gifu
  22. Yamanashi
  23. Ibaraki
  24. Mie
  25. Toyama
  26. Gunma
  27. Kumamoto
  28. Nagano
  29. Oita
  30. Tokushima
  31. Miyazaki
  32. Kochi
  33. Kagawa
  34. Tochigi
  35. Tottori
  36. Wakayama
  37. Iwate
  38. Akita
  39. Yamagata
  40. Ehime
  41. Kagoshima
  42. Fukushima
  43. Nagasaki
  44. Yamaguchi
  45. Shimane
  46. Aomori
  47. Saga

The source is the twitter rankings found on the Userlocal Machitsui site.

3 thoughts on “Japan Twitter Users Ranking by Prefecture”

  1. Can’t see Okinawa being 12th if you’re talking about just the Japanese. The vast majority of the younger generation have no idea what Twitter is, and the tech-savvy have gone straight onto Facebook.

  2. jay@newzjapan

    Yeah, Dave, actually now that you mention it, that seems high. I think they used the population numbers from the most recent census so maybe if there are military folks doing it they are counted in the twitter numbers, but not the population numbers.

    I wonder if enough travelers use twitter to skew the numbers as well. I couldn’t find a lot about Machitsui’s methodology.

  3. hey i know this has nothing to do with this post but i was just wondering if you were ok? i heard there was a massive earthquake near tokyo (don’t actually know where you live) but yeah just wanted to know if you’re alright

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